Thursday, August 27, 2009

Orked's OreoTM Cheese Cake

This is the first time I have ever baked cheese cake since I've opened this site to the public. However, this isn't my first time baking cheese cake. But my first time baking cheese cake with OreoTM biscuits. Confused? You should be. *giggles*

Usually, I will only bake cheese cakes for special occasions. Because baking cheese cakes are tedious! I need to have two mixers on just to make a pan of cheese cake. So, I made a survey on cheese cake recipes and derived the simplest method of baking cheese cake. But this time with OreoTM biscuits.

I baked this for my fiance's mother's birthday "sungkai" celebration yesterday. I have been wanting to attempt the recipe I came up with but have been very busy with uni assignments and all. However, Babu's birthday celebration is a special occasion and a great reason for getting on with attempting OreoTM Cheese Cake. Here, I present you Orked's OreoTM Cheese Cake.

Alhamdulillah, it was a success. The sugar measurement was just nice and it's a square (9 inches by 9 inches) cheese cake too. Suitable for servings in bite size squares. And the good news is... It's yummy!

I haven't calculated the price for this cake yet. But I will soon...

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